- Tema 1 - Salute
- Tema 2 - Prodotti alimentari, agricoltura, pesca e biotecnologie
- Tema 3 - Tecnologie dell'informazione e della comunicazione
- Tema 4 - Nanoscienze, nanotecnologie, materiali e nuove tecnologie di produzione
- Tema 5 - Energia
- Tema 6 - Ambiente (ivi compresi i cambiamenti climatici)
- Tema 7 - Trasporti (ivi compresa l'aeronautica)
- Tema 8 - Scienze socioeconomiche e umanistiche
- Tema 9 - Spazio
- Tema 10 - Sicurezza
- Iniziative Tecnologiche Congiunte
Tema 1 - Salute
- Atlas - Development of laser-based technologies and prototype instruments for genome-wide chromatin immunoprecipitation analyses
- Euclyde - European Consortium for Lysosomal Disorders
- EVINCI - Evaluation of Integrated Cardiac Imaging for the Detection and Characterization of Ischemic Heart Disease
- Prepobedia - Novel prep1 - Dependent transcriptional networks in the control of insulin sensitivity
- TuMIC - An integrated concept of tumor metastasis: implications for therapy
Progetti in fase di negoziazione
- THE GRAIL - Tissue in Host Engineering Guided Regeneration of Arterial Intimal Layer
Tema 2 - Prodotti alimentari, agricoltura, pesca e biotecnologie
- COLORSPORE - New sources of natural, gastric stable, food additives, colourants and novel functional foods
- ETHERPATHS - Characterization and modelling of dietary effects mediated by gut microbiota on lipid metabolism
- MYCORED - Novel integrated strategies for worldwide mycotoxin reduction in the food and feed chains
- SUSTAINMED - Sustainable agri-food systems and rural development in the Mediterranean Partner Countries
- SYMBIOSIS - Scientific synergism of nano-bio-info-cogni science for an integrated system to monitor meat quality and safety during production, storage, and distribution in EU
- MAREX - Exploring Marine Resources for Bioactive Compounds: From Discovery to Sustainable Production and Industrial Applications
- FOODSEG - Safe Food for Europe -- Coordination of research activities and Dissemination of research results of EC funded research on food safety
- PROMETHEUS - PROcess contaminants: Mitigation and Elimination Techniques for High food quality and their Evaluation Using Sensors & Simulation
- GLOWORM - Innovative and sustainable strategies to mitigate the impact of global change on helminth infections in ruminants
Tema 3 - Tecnologie dell'informazione e della comunicazione
- Airobots - Innovative aerial service robots for remote inspections by contact
- DEXMART - Dexterous and autonomous dual-arm/hand robotic manipulation with smart sensory-motor skills: A bridge from natural to artificial cognition
- Dotfive - Towards 0.5 Terahertz Silicon/Germanium Hetero-junction Bipolar Technology
- ECHORD - European clearing house for open robotics development
- euRobotics - European Robotics Coordination Action
- Phydyas - Physical layer for dynamic spectrum access and cognitive radio
- Phorbitech - A Toolbox for Photon Orbital Angular Momentum Technology
- ARCAS - Aerial Robotics Cooperative Assembly System
- SAPHARI - Safe and Autonomous Physical Human-Aware Robot Interaction
- SHERPA - Smart collaboration between Humans and ground-aErial Robots for imProving rescuing activities in Alpine environments - Beneficiary: Consorzio C.R.E.A.T.E.
- RockEU - Robotics Coordination Action for Europe
- EuRoC - European Robotics Challenges - Beneficiary: Consorzio C.R.E.A.T.E.
Tema 4 - Nanoscienze, nanotecnologie, materiali e nuove tecnologie di produzione
- COPIRIDE - Combining process intensification-driven manufacture of microstructured reactors and process design regarding to industrial dimensions and environment
- NAPOLYNET - Setting up research intensive clusters across the EU on characterization of polymer nanostructures
- SYNFLOW - Innovative Synthesis in Continuous-Flow Processes for Sustainable Chemical Production
Progetti in fase di negoziazione
- IFaCOM - Intelligent Fault Correction and self Optimizing Manufacturing systems
Tema 6 - Ambiente (ivi compresi i cambiamenti climatici)
- Ensure - Enhancing resilience of communities and territories facing natural and na-tech hazards
Tema 7 - Trasporti (ivi compresa l'aeronautica)
- ACCENT - Adaptive control of manufacturing processes for a new generation of jet engine components
- COSMA - Community oriented solutions to minimise aircraft noise annoyance
- DESIREH - Design, simulation and flight reynolds number testing for advanced high-lift solutions
- EUROTURBO 8 - Support to Eighth European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics
- EXTICE - EXTreme ICing Environement
- AFDAR - Advanced Flow Diagnostics for Aeronautical Research
- EUROTURBO 9 - Support to Ninth European Conference on Turbomachinery -- Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, Istanbul, Turkey, 21-25 March 2011
- SPECTRUM - Solutions and Processes to Enhance the Competitiveness of Transport by Rail in Unexploited Markets
Tema 8 - Scienze socioeconomiche e umanistiche
- BLUE-ETS - BLUE-Enterprise and Trade Statistics
- Euroidentities - The evolution of European identity: using biographical methods to study the development of European identity
Tema 9 - Spazio
Iniziative Tecnologiche Congiunte
Progetti in fase di negoziazione
- WSN DPCM - WSN Development, Planning and Commissioning & Maintenance ToolSet
- Parte 1 - Infrastrutture di ricerca
- Parte 2 - Ricerca a favore delle PMI
- Parte 3 - Regioni della conoscenza
- Parte 4 - Potenziale di ricerca
- Parte 5 - Scienza e Società
- Parte 6 - Sviluppo coerente delle politiche di ricerca
- Parte 7 - Attività di cooperazione internazionale
Parte 1 - Infrastrutture di ricerca
- Anaee - Structuring infrastructures for the analysis and experimentation on ecosystem
- Egee III - Enabling grids for e-science III
- Infravec - Research capacity for the implementation of genetic control of mosquitoes
- Series - Seismic engineering research infrastructures for European synergies
- EGI-InSPIRE - European Grid Initiative: Integrated Sustainable Pan-European Infrastructure for Researchers in Europe
Progetti in fase di negoziazione
- BRISK - The European Research Infrastructure for Thermochemical Biomass Conversion
Parte 2 - Ricerca a favore delle PMI
- Nanofoods - Development of foods containing nanoencapsulated ingredient
Parte 4 - Potenziale di ricerca
- Natpharma - Reinforcement of research potential for the realisation of a complete drug development scheme from natural compounds
Parte 5 - Scienza e Società
- Traces - Transformative Research Activities. Cultural diversities and Education in Science -
- ISWA - Immersion in the Science Worlds through Arts
- Formazione iniziale dei ricercatori
- Formazione continua e sviluppo delle carriere dei ricercatori
- Percorsi e partenariati congiunti Industria-Università
- Dimensione internazionale
- Azioni Specifiche
Formazione iniziale dei ricercatori
- Dynacop - Dynamics of architecturally complex polymers
Progetti in fase di negoziazione
- PIMMS - Proton Ionization Molecular Mass Spectrometry
Formazione continua e sviluppo delle carriere dei ricercatori
Progetti in fase di negoziazione
- SAFES - Service Assessment and Failure of Earth Structures
Percorsi e partenariati congiunti Industria- Università
- Blue4glue - Reinforcing capacity towards industrially relevant research on bio-inspired materials and delivery mechanisms
Dimensione internazionale
- Nano-Enag - Use of nanomaterials for environmental and agricultural applications
- MarBioTecEU-CN - European-Chinese Research Staff Exchange Cluster on Marine Biotechnology
MaNEqui - Mathematical studies on critical non-equilibrium phenomena via mean field
theories and theories of nonlinear partial differential equations - SUPERPANELS - Strengthening and Upholding the Performances of the new Engineered Research PANELS
EXCHANGE-SSI - Experimental & Computational Hybrid Assessment Network for Ground-Motion
Excited Soil-Structure Interaction Systems - Cacomel - Nano-carbon based components and materials for high frequency electronics
- Hamiltonianpdes - Hamiltonian partial differential equations: new connections between dynamical systems and PDEs with small divisors phenomena
- Antegefi - Analytic techniques for geometric and functional inequalities
- HistAntArtSI - Historical memory, Antiquarian Culture and Artistic Patronage: Social Identities in the Centres of Southern Italy between the Medieval and Early Modern Period
- FINLAB - Finance and Labour
- RODYMAN - RObotic DYnamic MANipulation - Host Institution: Consorzio C.R.E.A.T.E.