Dipartimento di Agraria

Research at the Department of Agricultural Sciences of the University of Naples Federico II covers a wealth of research subjects related to: agriculture, food science and technology, and environment. These sectors are of great significance in light of one of the most important challenges of the next few decades: the need to feed a world population that by 2040 will reach about 9 billion people. The research activities of the Department of Agricultural Sciences are carried out in collaboration with scientists belonging to important national and international Institutions. All together, they create new knowledge, solve cutting-edge problems and develope new insights for both basic and applied research. Results obtained are published in first-rate scientific journals. The Department is heavily committed in the education and valorization of young scientists through the PhD course in Agricultural and agri-food sciences, that is based on various training programs on specific research topics (www.dipartimentodiagraria.it).

The scientific relevance and international recognition of these research products have just positioned the University of Naples Federico II as number one in Agricultural Sciences in Italy; number 12 out of 129 in Europe; and number 38 out of 300 in the world (see National Taiwan World University Ranking).

Further details can be found in http://www.agroresearch.it/en/

Research output (2011-2013)

Data on the research output of the Department are extracted from the 2011-2013 Research activities Review (SUA-RD)


Data on the Department Staff is taken from the institutional website of the Italian Ministry of University and Research

Research areas

The Department of Agricultural Sciences has 10 Research Divisions, whose function is to foster research utilizing any and all relevant expertise available in the Department and outside. The following represent the main research areas of each Research Division.

Research projects

EU and International Research Projects

  • BIOFECTOR - Resource preservation by application of BIOefFECTORs in European Crop Production, Responsabile scientifico MAGGIO ALBINO
  • PFPU - Precursor of food Production Unit Responsabile scientifico DE PASCALE STEFANIA
  • TOMGEM, A holistic multi-actor approach towards the design of new tomato varieties and management practices to improve yield and quality in the face of climate change. (https://www.unina.it/-/12221246-h2020-tomgem-) Responsabile scientifico BARONE AMALIA
  • Servizi relativi all'organizzazione di un workshop internazionale FAO. Responsabile scientifico MAGGIO ALBINO
  • COREA - Structural determination of polysaccharides from probiotic strains. Responsabile scientifico DE CASTRO CRISTINA
  • ESA MELiSSA Pilot Plant - Compartment IVb improvement: Air and Canopy Sub-compartment Analysis (ACSA) . Responsabile scientifico DE PASCALE STEFANIA

PRIN: National Research Projects

  • Long Life, High Sustainability - "Shelf Life Extension come indicatore di sostenibilità". Coniugare l'estensione di vita di un prodotto alimentare determinata da un innovazione di formulazione, processo o packaging, con la variazione di sostenibilità dell'intero ciclo di vita del prodotto. Responsabile scientifico Silvana CAVELLA
  • PRIN 2015- The diversity of tannins in Italian red wines. Study of biochemical aspects,  chemical reactivity and sensory characteristics for developing precision and  sustainable enological models from vineyard to consumer Responsabile scientifico MOIO LUIGI

Other projects

  • OliveWastelRecovery Responsabile scientifico :  RAO MARIA ANTONIETTA
  • MOD_DEV_CELL “System dynamics modeling of microbial cell cultures: numerical methods, process optimization, and individual-based approach” Responsabile scientifico :  GIANNINO FRANCESCO
  • PORES Responsabile scientifico :  AVERSANO RICCARDO
  • SAFE€SMART Responsabile scientifico :  PENNACCHIO FRANCESCO
  • Collaborazione scientifica DIA/NOSELF "Analisi di effetti di inibizione di crescita in microrganismi e piante" Responsabile scientifico :  MAZZOLENI STEFANO
  • ITALCANAPA Responsabile scientifico :  SACCHI RAFFAELE
  • RUCOLA- Collaborazione scientifica per lo sviluppo di biomarkers per la tracciabilità dell'area geografica di produzione in rucola Responsabile scientifico :  DI MATTEO ANTONIO
  • Analisi delle politiche pubbliche per la prevenzione e la mitigazione dell'obesità Responsabile scientifico :  VERNEAU FABIO
  • ING:IT-IGP - Nocciola di Giffoni Italia  - ricerca di sviluppo e qualità per la Corilicoltura Italiana. Responsabile scientifico :  SACCHI RAFFAELE
  • RAMSES - Azione 2 Responsabile scientifico :  SARACINO ANTONIO
  • Econometric analysis Responsabile scientifico :  CARACCIOLO di TORCHIAROLO FRANCESCO
  • FFAS_2 ForestFire Area Simulator Responsabile scientifico :  GIANNINO FRANCESCO
  • ProBio-IZSM Prodotti Biotecnologici per la riduzione dei fitofarmaci in agricoltura Responsabile scientifico :  LORITO MATTEO
  • NET-PNALM -"Identificazione dei network in hot spot di diversità della chirotterofauna e implicazione per la gestione" Responsabile scientifico :  RUSSO DANILO
  • IDO.QUALI.POMO. - " Idoneità varietale alla produzione di conserve di pomodoro con materie prime di provenienza dal Sud Italia" Responsabile scientifico :  CARUSO GIANLUCA
  • BIO.GE.DA. "Sviluppo di Biomarkers per la tracciabilità dell'area geografica di produzione del Datterino" Responsabile scientifico :  ERCOLANO MARIA
  • MySoTaKy - Miglioramento della sostenibilità e della qualità del tabacco Kentucky per la produzione di sigari Responsabile scientifico :  SIFOLA MARIA ISABELLA
  • PROTEIN PREF. " Carne e prodotti a base di proteine animali: un'analisi delle preferenze dei consumatori Responsabile scientifico :  DEL GIUDICE TERESA
  • BIO-IND-2 Monitoraggio della biodiversità vegetale e valutazione di indicatori dell'impatto delle polveri sulla crescita delle piante nel territorio del Parco Nazionale del Vesuvio Responsabile scientifico :  DE MICCO VERONICA
  • ESASEM - "Sviluppo di marcatori molecolari associati al carattere elevato contenuto in soludi solubili del frutto in linee di pomodoro da industria" Responsabile scientifico :  BARONE AMALIA
  • MICRO-SPES Responsabile scientifico :  ERCOLINI DANILO
  • VolApe- "selezione di api di razza ligustica per il miglioramento delle performance produttive di pappa reale" Responsabile scientifico :  CAPRIO EMILIO
  • MULTI-TROP Accordo ASI-DIA n. 2017-16-H.0 Responsabile scientifico :  ARONNE GIOVANNA
  • URCOFI III - Unità di coordinamento e potenziamento delle attività di sorveglianza, ricerca, sperimentazione, monitoraggio e formazione in campo fitosanitario Responsabile scientifico :  PENNACCHIO FRANCESCO
  • SIX - Il Silver bullet contro Xylella fastidiosa Responsabile scientifico :  LORITO MATTEO
  • "STOMP" - Produzione sostenibile delle colture mediterranee Responsabile scientifico :  DIGILIO MARIA CRISTINA
  • BIOINSETTICIDI:Nuovi bioinsetticidi da insetti parassitoidi-resp.prof.Francesco Pennacchio Responsabile scientifico :  PENNACCHIO FRANCESCO
  • FIRB 2013 - Meccanismo d'azione e resistenza di Bacillus Thuringiensis: una nuova prospettiva. Responsabile scientifico :  CACCIA SILVIA
  • DINAMIC - Diet - induced Arrangement of the gut Microbiome for improvement of Cardiometabolic health Responsabile scientifico :  ERCOLINI DANILO
  • BioPoliS PON03PE_00107_1 Responsabile scientifico :  PEPE OLIMPIA
  • BIOSCIENCE Formazione _ PON03PE 00060 2/F15 "Progettazione, sviluppo e produzione di cibi funzionali"e/o arricchiti Responsabile scientifico :  FRUSCIANTE LUIGI
  • PON3PE_000261/7"Linfa" - Laboratorio Pubblico - privato per la ricerca e l'innovazione nella filiera olivicola Responsabile scientifico :  LORITO MATTEO
  • PON MAREA Responsabile scientifico :  LORITO MATTEO

Libraries, labs and facilities

The Department of Agricultural Sciences has several Laboratories for activities of common interest: optical and electron microscopy, laboratory analysis for hire or rewards, greenhouses, screenhouses  and experimental fields for genetics, entomology, pathology, botany and agronomy experiments. In addition, each Division has its own Laboratories. In particular:

  • Division of Biology and crop production. Botany and reproductive ecology; Plant physiology; Agronomy; Arboriculture; greenhouses and experimental fields of horticulture and floriculture in Parco Gussone
  • Division of Biology and protection of agro-forestry systems. Biological control; Physiopathology; Bacteriology; Virology; Mycology; Entomology; Apiculture; Applied ecology and modelling; Zoology; Forestry; Botany and plant physiology; Organic chemistry and natural product chemistry.
  • Division of Plant genetics and biotechnology. Plant tissue culture; Plant biotechnology and molecular biology; Bioinformatics; Plant genomics; Algal biotechnology
  • Division of Agroforestry engineering and biosystems. Agriculture machine lending; Machines and systems for agrifood industry and micro- nanotechnology applications; Ecological engineering
  • Division of Microbiology. Food microbiology; Molecular biology; Microscopy; Radioisotopes; Gas chromatography; Industrial microbiology station; Pilot facilities.
  • Division of Agricultural chemistry. Biogeochemistry of heavy metals; Chemistry of organic matter; Soil and plant biochemistry; Agro-environmental biotechnologies and green remediation; Rhizosphere interactions
  • Division of Grape and wine sciences. Chemical analysis of wine and food aroma; Wine sensory analysis; Basic and polyphenol analysis of grape and wine; Microbiology and genetics; Viticulture
  • Division of Animal food science. Anatomy- Animal welfare; Immunology; Animal food supply and nutrition; Quality of animal products
  • Division of food science and technology. Food quality and security; Processes; Flavour substances;  Oils, fat and protein analysis; Protection of typical products

Third mission

The Department of Agricultural Sciences is undertaking many initiatives of public engagement. These are not run for profit, have a high cultural value, and have a significant territorial impact. Among them there are: educational publications and reports; faculty participation to radio/TV programs and public events; organization of public events (e.g. Studenti in mostra, Mozart box, Mediterraneo e dintorni); free access to the Department museums, libraries, infrastructures; organization of concerts and exhibitions; initiatives for promoting health and consumer protection (e.g. conferences, seminars); initiatives of counselling for high school students, such as Orientagraria; dissemination activities for children and teenagers, such as  Portici Campus, Studenti in mostra.


  • Patent filed in Italy on October 10, 2017. Patent application No. 102017000050733: Complex including at least a calcium phosphate ione and one virus. Inventors: Capparelli R., Ianniello F., Capuano F., Fulgione A., Medaglia C., Iannaccone M., Porta A., Roveri N., Lelli M., Nipoti E., Colletti C.
  • Patent filed in Italy on March 28, 2013. Patent Number(s): US2014296442-A1; CA2825299-A1; WO2014155156-A1: Preparing antibacterial polymer e.g. polypropylene used to prepare antibacterial product e.g. computer keyboard involves adding solution/dispersion of zinc to a solution/dispersion of monomer in solvent and polymerizing. Inventors: Fiori M., Nocerino N., Capparelli R., Fulgione A., Van Der Jagt M., Medaglia C., Marchetti M., Roveri N., Mercuri R., Lelli M., Rinaldi F.