Dipartimento di Scienze biomediche avanzate

Research at the Department of Advanced Medical Sciences focuses on the development and validation of innovative strategies of diagnosis and therapy in the field of Pathology and Histology, Cardiology and Heart Surgery, General Surgery, Diagnostic Imaging, Radiation Therapy, Neuroradiology and Applied Physics. An additional line of research focuses on the evaluation of bioethical, legal, health-care professionals' responsabilty and deontological issues to promote advances in the field of forensic medicine. The distinctive trait of this research activity is the investigation of all phases of the disease from molecular and physiopathological mechanisms to early diagnosis, prevention and therapy with special efforts in translating basic knowledge into new standard of care, safeguarding human rights and dignity. Cross-fertilization among disciplines and dissemination of research products are promoted through collaborations with external institutions, seminars, advanced courses, presentations at national and international meetings with the aim to maximize the research impact on public health, scientific community and healthcare industry. Two PhD programs are devoted to education and training of graduate students in the field of Cardiovascular Pathophysiology and Therapeutics (www.cardiopath.eu) as well as Biomorphological and Surgical Sciences (http://scienzebiomedicheavanzate.dip.unina.it/it/didattica/dottorato/).

Research output (2011-2013)

Data on the research output of the Department are extracted from the 2011-2013 Research activities Review (SUA-RD)


Data on the Department Staff is taken from the institutional website of the Italian Ministry of University and Research

Research projects


  • POR OCKEY (Area di ricerca 2) - Oncology and Cardiology KEy Targets. Sviluppo di strategie terapeutiche molecolari per patologie infiammatorie, neoplastiche, cardiovascolari e neurodegenerative.
  • PON CARDIOTECH (Area di ricerca 2) - TeCnologie Avanzate per l‟innovazione e l‟ottimizzazione dei pRocessi DIagnOstici, Terapeutici E di training dedicati alla gestione Clinica, interventistica e riabilitativa dei pazienti affetti da sindromi coronaricHe.
  • FIRB 2012-2017  (Area di ricerca 2) - Anomalie beta-adrenergiche, stress mitocondriale e modifiche epigenetiche nello scompenso cardiaco: Nuovi approcci molecolari diagnostici e terapeutici” (RBFR124FEN, scadenza 2017)
  • Ministero della Salute Progetti Strategici (Area di ricerca 1)

Diagnostic Imaging, Radiotherapy, Neuroradiology

  • PON 04AC2 - Ricerca e Competitività 2007-2013 “Smart cities and communities and social innovation” (Area di ricerca 1) Costituzione di una piattaforma tecnologica per la diagnostica
  • PON 03PE – 00146 – 1 – Biobiofar. Sviluppo di nuovi bersagli molecolari per la diagnosi, la prognosi e il trattamento dell’ischemia cerebrale, dei tumori plurifarmacoresistenti della testa, del collo e della mammella (Area di ricerca 3)
  • PON 03PE – 00128 – 1 – eHealthNet: ecosistema software per la sanità elettronica (Area di ricerca 2).
  • Grant NIH P41- Evaluation of cardiovascular diseases using novel imaging modalities (Area di Ricerca 2)
  • AIRC-17249- Targeting resistance and glucose metabolism in EGFR-driven non-small cell lung cancer (Area di ricerca 4)

Applied Physics

  • Internal project - " Experimental validation of a Semiconductor Compact Gamma Camera (SCGC)" 

General Surgery

  • The NHBD as potential organ donor center in Campania (area di ricerca 2) – Fondazione Banco Napoli. The project aims at evaluating the socio-economic, cultural and organizative conditions that may allow to extend organ donation to patients with cardiac death.
  • ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT02987673 Prospective randomized trial with 1 year follow-up to assess the outcome of obese patients who had undergone gastric bypass (MGB-OAGB) and vertical sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) (area di ricerca 3).

Libraries, labs and facilities


  • Biblioteche dotate di volumi scientifici a prevalente indirizzo chirurgico, riviste scientifiche cartacee a prevalente indirizzo chirurgico, volumi medici storici, atti congressuali, computer, connessione ad internet  con accesso alle banche dati tramite il sito del nostro Ateneo,  spazi idonei alla didattica ed allo studio.

    • Library of General Surgery and Transplantation Ed. 5, ground floor. Via Pansini 5, Napoli
    • Library of General Surgery and Emergency, Ed. 12, fourth floor. Via Pansini 5, Napoli

Laboratories di Ricerca

  • 1) Laboratory Bd. 20 – Molecular Biology on cells and tissues
  • 2) The activity of the laboratory, located on the third floor of building 20, includes the immuno-phenotypic characterization and viral genetic profiling of HPV infections on tissues, mutational analysis of BRAF in melanoma and FISH on solid tumors.
  • 3) Laboratory Bd 6 (Surgical Pathology) – Laser applications in biomedicine. The laboratory covers a 60 m2 area and is equipped with CW and pulsed laser sources, double beam spectrofluorometer, bidimensional CCD detectors and fluorescence microscopy LEICA-MICROFLUO
  • 4) Laboratories Bd 20 (ground floor and basement) of forensic toxicology . The activities of these Laboratories include preparation of biological and non biological samples undergoing chemical and toxicologic analysis. Laboratory instrumentations includes chemical and laminar flow hoods, under vacuum extractors, centrifuges, analytical balance and systems for chemical and toxicologic analysis
  • 5) Surgical platforms Bd 5 and Bd 12 . Multiple surgical rooms equipped with all the instrumentations needed for open surgery, laparoscopy, US- and radio-guided surgery that are employed for both clinical and research activities.
  • 6) Cardiology laboratory platform Bd. 2: a)  Histology and immunohistochemistry laboratory; b)  The laboratory equipment includes a system for tissue inclusion, a microtome, supplies for tissue fixation and staining. Immunohistochemistry techniques are applied on tissues and cells. c) Laboratory of small animal experimental surgery ; d)  The laboratory is equipped with an anesthetic gasses inhalation system for mice and rats, ventilation devices, surface ECG, invasive hemodynamic evaluation (dp/dt, pressure volume loop), small animal heart ultrasonography (echograph VEVO), models of physiological hypertrophy (treadmill and swim exercise) as well as pathological hypertrophy (transverse aortic constriction), models of peripheral ischemia and myocardial infarction in rats. Evaluation of cardiovascular diseases in genetically modified animals (transgenic and knock-out). System for evaluation of peripheral rivascularization in animals (LD imaging). e)  Radioimmunoassay Laboratory (RIA) Phosphorylation and proliferation assays f)  Cellular and molecular biology laboratory Instruments for DNA sequencing, PCR, southern blot, western blot, ChemiDoc for western e northern blot imaging, light and phase contrast microscopy for tissues and cells g)  Small animal facility for more than 2000 animals (mice and rats) equipped with a small operating rooms
  • 7)  Platform of Diagnostic imaging and radiotherapy:  a) Diagnostic Unit for single photon emission tomography (SPECT) Functional evaluation of myocardial perfusion, receptor imaging, sentinel node detection, bone scan and renal scintigraphy b)  Diagnostic Unit for morpho-functional imaging with positron emission tomography (PET-CT), Whole body scan with 18F-FDG in cancer patients, evaluation of myocardial perfusion and viability c)  Diagnostic Unit for multi-slice computed tomography (CT) imaging Tomographic examination of different body districts (brain, chest, abdomen, pelvis), CT angiography, cardiac CT,CT urography, CT enterography d)  Diagnostic Unit for imaging with Magnetic Resonance Morphological and functional examinations of different body districts; e)  Diagnostic Unit for ultrasound imaging for ultrasound examinations of adults and pediatric patients; f)  External Beam Radiation Therapy Unit for radiotherapy of different tumors including breast carcinoma, head and neck cancer, prostate cancer. g)  Radiometabolic Therapy Unit for treatment of hyperfunctioning and neoplastic thyroid diseases ; h)  Radiochemistry Laboratory for production and labeling with positron emitting radionuclides of imaging agents compounds. i) Laboratory of image post-processing for quantitative and multiparametric with dedicated workstations and software; laboratory of experimental imaging equipped with dedicated diagnostic instrumentations (US, PET, CT, MR, optical imaging, bone densitometry)

Aree di eccellenza

  • Hypertension Center - The Centerstarted its activity under the supervision of Prof Bruno Trimarco in 1980.Currently the activity of the center includes basic and clinical research, as well as clinical assistance to outpatients based on an integrated diagnostic evaluation of cardiavascular system. The areas of scientific interest produced more than 800 scientific publications on peer-reviewed journals. For more details: http://centroipertensione.healthware.it/index.asp?hw=17
  • Laboratory of Invasive and interventional cardiology. This laboratory is part of the european network "Cathgo". Cathgo belongs to EAPCI (European Association for Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions) and promotes mobility and international formation of interventional cardiologists
  • The International PhD Program in Cardiovascular Diseases and related therapies (CardioPaTh) resulted from the scientific and academic collaboration among the Cardiology division of the Department of Advanced Biomedical Sciences of University of Naples Federico II, the Montevergine Clinic in Mercogliano, the Cardiovascular Research Center of Aalst (Belgium), and the Cardiology division of Berna University. The PhD program is active since 2015 with the aim to provide scientific training to italian and foreign PhD students, overcoming the conventional logistic and organizative barriers through the International platform of the academic consortium. For further details: www.cardiopath.eu
  • Interdipartimental Center of Kidney Transplantation. The center is located in the Bd 5 and includes all the medical specialties needed for kidney transplantation. The center takes care of all the medical and organizzative activities including formation of the waiting list for patients candidates to transplantation, surgical organ removal from donors, patient preparation, organ transplantation and follow-up of patients. The center is part of a regional and national network of transplantation.
  • The Operating Room for Robot Surgery is located in the surgical platform of Bd 5 and will be active at the beginning of 2016. It will be used for both clinical and research activity so that the benefits, advantages and limitations may be estimated
  • Excellence Center for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery as registered by the Italian Society of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (SiCOb). The center, where more than 120 surgical interventions per year are performed, is located in Building 12, General Surgery area, and is one of the 26 national excellence centers (www.sicob.org). The web site with all information for patients, general public and surgeons is www.chirurgiaxxl.unina.it
  • Ethical Committee The ethical committee of University of Naples Federico II is structurally part of the Division of Legal Medicine of the Department of Advanced Biomedical Sciences. The members from University are: Lucio Annunziato, Dario Bruzzese, Claudio Buccelli, Gaetano Buonocore, Giuseppe Castaldo, Franco Contaldo, Giuseppe De Michele, Sabino De Placido, Gianfranco Maria Di Renzo, Pietro Forestieri, Paola Izzo, Carmine Nappi, Antonietta Perrone, Paolo Rubba, Giuseppe Servillo, Vincenzo Viggiani, Antonietta Vozza, Rosario Cunzio. The Committe evaluates research protocols, clinical trials, pharmacological studies, profit and non profit studies with the aim to protect the person's rights and to guarantee the safeness and well-being of the enrolled subjects. Furthermore the ethical committee promotes the formation of health operators in the field of bioethics.

Third Mission

Public Engagement

  • Initiative n. 1: A course entitled “ Medical profession: ethical and juridical dilemmas for physicians, jurists, magistrates and general public was held on January 25-26, 2016. The event was sponsored by Unesco Bioethics Section and organized by the International Office for Bioethics Research of European Center for Bioethics and Quality of Life of UNESCO, Chair in Bioethics Prof. Buccelli. The course had the objective to update the professionals and general public on bioethical issues related to legal topics that are relevant for biomedical activities.
  • Initiative n. 2: The 11th Global Conference on “Bioethics, Medical Ethics and Medical Law” was held in Naples on October 20-22,2015. The Meeting was organized by Unesco Chair in Bioethics in collaboration with the Ethical Committee of University Federico II and the l’European Center for Bioethics and Quality of Life - UNESCO Chair in Bioethics Italian Unit. The participants of the conference were health-care professionals, jurists, teachers, students and members of ethical committees.
  • Initiative n. 3: The interuniversitary Center for Bioethical Research (Chair Prof Buccelli) organized from December to May 2017 the event “ Bioethical days for students of university and high school”. The aim of the event was to promote discussion on and diffusion of bioethical issues in young people communities through the projections of movies, debates and critical discussions.
  • Initiative n. 4: The web site "Surgery XXL" was launched on January 1, 2011 and it is still active for patients and health-care  professionals. This is an interactive web site that explains to the general public what is the pathological obesity and how it can be avoided or treated. In the web site the user can also www.chirurgiaxxl.unina.it.