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Ha come obiettivo la formazione di eccellenza di Ingegneri Navali in un ambito sovranazionale e multidisciplinare ed il conferimento di un titolo di Master congiunto di II livello, dopo un corso di tre semestri svolto presso le Università partner, il progetto ERASMUS MUNDUS JOINT MASTER DEGREE "SUSTAINABLE SHIP AND SHIPPING SEAS4.0" proposto dalla Federico II e coordinato dalla professoressa Ermina Begovic del Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale.

Il Progetto è stato selezionato e finanziato dalla EACEA (Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency) della EU. La proposta è risultata di particolare interesse per l'innovativa impostazione didattica, e per i contenuti specifici orientati ai futuri scenari dello Ship Design e dello Shipping.

SEAS4.0 coinvolge come partner le Università di La Coruna e di Zagreb e come partner associati Technical University Hamburg, University of Antwerp, Denmark Technical University, Touro College Berlin, CINECA, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, University of Tasmania e 28 aziende ed Enti del settore da sette paesi diversi. 

L'inizio dei corsi è prevvisto per l'A.A. 2012/22.

Per informazioni Prof. Ermina Begovic, begovic@unina.it




The ERASMUS MUNDUS JOINT MASTER DEGREE "SUSTAINABLE SHIP AND SHIPPING SEAS 4.0" project proposed by the University of Naples Federico II and coordinated by Prof. Ermina Begovic from Department of Industrial Engineering, has been selected and founded by the EACEA (Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency) of the EU. The proposal SEAS 4.0 has been considered of particular interest for the innovative teaching approach, and for the specific contents focused to the future Ship Design and Shipping scenarios.


SEAS 4.0 involves the Universities of La Coruna and Zagreb as partners and as associate partners: Technical University Hamburg, University of Antwerp, Denmark Technical University, Touro College Berlin, CINECA, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, University of Tasmania, as well as 28 Companies and Classification Societies from seven different countries.

SEAS 4.0 is aimed at educational excellence of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers in an International and multidisciplinary context and after a three-semester course held in the partner universities it will award a Double Master degree.

Courses will start in A.Y 2021/22. For any info contact Prof. Ermina Begovic, begovic@unina.it



c/o COINOR: redazionenews@unina.it